
The North Texas Homebrewers Association (NTHBA) is a group of homebrewers living in North Texas (mostly, but not limited to, Dallas and northern suburbs). We are interested in making beer, mead, cider, wine, and other fermented beverages at home.

The Events tab at the top of the page will show you upcoming meetings, club brewdays, and club parties.  Non-members are welcome to join us at any event.

Club Events

  • Meetings are typically held  on the second Tuesday of the month at various restaurants in the DFW area.
  • Parties The club has four parties throughout the year hosted at a club member’s house: Winter, Spring, Limbo Awards and Oktoberfest. Naturally, we provide our own homebrew. There’s usually lots of good food and beer to be had, as well as great company.
  • Brew Days Once a month, the club hosts a brewday at a club member’s house. Typically, the host brews a beer which the club pays for. Several other brewers show up to brew, and many more show up to drink and share their knowledge of brewing and beer. This is a great opportunity to learn about brewing and to pick up tricks of the trade from each other. The host donates half of his beer to the next brew day.  Note: Due to the Bluebonnet Brewoff in March and all of the activities associated with it, there is no brewday scheduled for March.  The same is true for August when NTHBA hosts the Limbo Competition.

How To Join

Membership is open to anyone meeting our high standards (like beer or like someone who does and pay dues).  Memberships are available for online purchase in our store: Memberships, or by contacting the club treasurer at any club event or via email.


Our newsletter, Livin’ the Brews, is published monthly. You can read it online by clicking on the “Club Documents->Newsletters” drop down on the upper right side of the home page.

Officers for 2024

President: Marcio Fazzani
1st Vice President(Competitions): John Sutton
2nd Vice President(Party Boy): James Smith
Treasurer: Walter Hodges
Minister of Education: David Bierschenk
Secretary: Jimmy Orkin
IT Director: Jimmy Orkin
Past President: Terry Olinger

Officers for 2023

President: Terry Olinger
1st Vice President(Competitions): John Sutton
2nd Vice President(Party Boy): Marcio Fazzani
Treasurer: Walter Hodges
Minister of Education: TBA
Secretary: Jimmy Orkin
IT Director: Jimmy Orkin
Past President: James Smith

Officers for 2022

President: James Smith
1st Vice President(Competitions): Jimmy Orkin
2nd Vice President(Party Boy): Terry Olinger
Treasurer: Walter Hodges
Minister of Education: Bill Lawrence
Secretary: Jason Garland
IT Director: Jimmy Orkin
Past President: Mike Grover

Club history

Our club was founded circa 1983-1984. No one is sure exactly when. Meetings were held in a homebrew supply shop owned by Glen Mueller and Frank Brown (so that’s where the Bluebonnet’s Mueller-Brown Quality Award comes from!), located in the Olla Podrida shopping center (it’s gone now). Some other names from early days: Jess Haupt, Carl Schneider, Dave Gilbo, and Herschel Gibbs.

Here, as far back as we can verify, is a list of our past presidents:

2024 Marcio Fazzani
2023 Terry Olinger
2022 James Smith
2021 Stephen Tyner
2020 Mike Grover – 1st year of Covid-19
2019 Matt Parulis
2018 James Smith
2017 Fred David
2016 James Smith
2015 Mike Grover
2014 Walter Hodges
2013 Barrett Tillman
2012 Chuck Homola
2011 Wayne Yandell
2010 Leroy Gharis
2009 Jimmy Orkin
2008 Mike Grover
2007 Fred David
2006 James Dorman
2005 Jacque Keller
2004 Bo Turton
2003 Richard Harris
2002 Walter Hodges
2001 Steve Hacker
2000 Jim Layton
1999 Rett Blankenship
1998 McKee Smith
1997 Steve Wall
1996 Bob Haupert
1995 Darrell Simon
1994 Tom Henderson
1993 Joe Mellon
1992 Mike Leonard
1991 Mike Leonard
1990 Paul Seaward
1989 Paul Seaward
1988 Jess Haupt
1987 Jess Haupt
1986 ?
1985 ?