AHA Membership

If you are a member of the AHA, please confirm that you have associated yourself with the North Texas Homebrewers Association. Affiliating your AHA membership with NTHBA can save us the cost of our annual liability insurance ($339.02). We are currently 20 members away from our goal. Saving the $339.02 on insurance will allow us to spend more on member benefits such as parties, brewdays, pub crawls, etc.

Login to your AHA account on homebrewersassociation.org and go to your profile. Scroll down to the club affiliations and check that you have North Texas Homebrewers Association as one of your clubs.

If you are not a member of the AHA, you should consider joining. The AHA publishes a quarterly magazine, Zymurgy, and supports homebrewing in the US and around the world.

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