Bluebonnet Judging Opportunities

Bluebonnet judging starts this Friday evening. We will need lots of help to get through our allocation of beers. We have two locations in Carrollton the first weekend. The next weekend we will add in a judge site at North Texas Homebrew Supply. Experience is not required. We will pair inexperienced judges with experienced and/or certified judges.

To judge you will need to register on the Bluebonnet registration page as a judge. If you entered beers into the competition, modify your account to mark yourself as a judge. You’ll then be able to see and select judging locations. It’s best to stay at one location on Saturdays to minimize travel. You will also need to bring a laptop since all scoring will be done using electronic scoresheets. Register as a judge here:

Remember, that you cannot judge a category you entered.

2 Replies to “Bluebonnet Judging Opportunities”

  1. I’m a new member and this is my first experience with Bluebonnet and the BCOEM web site. I’ve registered for judging, with my first session Saturday morning 2/11. When and how will I be notified of the location?

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