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Bluebonnet -Room Share

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:36 am
by sirjohn
This will be my first time at the Blue Bonnet and will be flying solo. Anyone interested in splitting a room <font color="red">Friday Night</font id="red">? I can only make it for Friday and Saturday. I really don't plan to be there much [:D] but need a place to put my stuff. If interested let me know.


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:35 pm
by mathboy

My first year at BB, I thought yeah, I'll spend Friday night, but I'll drive home Saturday night. BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE! The only thing that happens Sunday is everyone walking around in a hungover/drunken phase. So don't worry about missing Sunday. However, after judging on Saturday and the beer-laden awards ceremony Saturday night (especially if you do a bus crawl), it is worth the cash to spend the night Saturday night. I regretted not staying during my first BB (it was one of those "What was I thinking?" moments of drunken clarity when I was exactly 1/2 way between the hotel and my home, and all I wanted was another beer), and I've ponied up the cash ever since.

That's my humble (drunken) $0.02.