Brewer Royale Stats Updated for July COC

The Brewer Royale statistics have been updated in the Google spreadsheet. You can view the latest standing on the Brewer Royale page in this site: Click me

Medals for the July COC will be handed out at the August club meeting.

The Brewer Royale Rules document was updated to clarify the difference between the Brewer Royale and the COC. You can view the rules document on the same page as the current standings.

Summer Party at Bill James!

The club summer party will be taking place this Saturday, July 23 at Bill James house starting at 6:30 pm. Bills address is 2801 Glen Forest Ln, Plano. All club members, spouses and SOs are invited.

Dinner will be Mexican fare and our host will be providing the Beef and Chicken Fajitas, Enchiladas, and Tablitas. Club members are asked to bring appetizers, sides and desserts to share.

As always bring homebrew to share and any other drinks you wish to bring. The pool will be open so bring your beach towels and chairs.

July COC Winners Announced

Thanks for Nupe Singhal and Mike Grover for judging the July COC tonight. We have winners.

Results – NTHBA July 2022 COC

Winners – NTHBA July 2022 COC

Table 51: Everything (5 entries)

Place Brewer Entry Name Style Club
1st Marcio Fazzani Ball Rolling 2022 American IPA North Texas Homebrewers…
2nd Terry Olinger Bell Haus Cider New World Cider North Texas Homebrewers…
3rd Garry Beckham Golden Pils German Pils North Texas Homebrewers…

Scoresheets can be downloaded from the site.

Congratulations to the winners.

Everyone is Invited

All current members have had a user id created for them on this site. Explore the WordPress site. Interact in the Forum.

Let us know what you like and don’t like. We want to make these sites a place where you can learn more about brewing and a place where you can give back with your knowledge.

Memberships can be purchased Online!

Walter and I switched the website membership page to the Woocommerce shopping cart. You can now get a new membership or renew a membership online.

Go to the Membership page, put a membership in the cart and checkout with PayPal. Get your membership without emailing the form. Walter will mail you your membership card. You will get notified from the website when your membership card is mailed.

You can still register at all club events with a paper membership form.

Give us you comments over on the forum. The forum topic is located here: Click Me

Membership Renewal

If you are no longer receiving club emails, including the newsletter, then your membership has expired. We hope you will consider renewing for 2022/2023. The club is offering t-shirts to renewed members. North Texas Homebrew Supply is opening soon and will be offering discounts to club members. Kettle to Keg in Sherman also offers discounts to current club members. In addition to the discounts and t-shirts, we have a full slate of club parties and events.

You can renew your membership at any club event or by following the directions at: Click Me

July Brewday

July’s brewday was a warm one. Five club members came out and sweltered with me as I brewed a Berliner Weiss. This beer will be a quick turn around and will be entered into the Limbo Challenge. The 15 minute boil kept the garage below 100 degrees while Matt, Mike, Marqus, Jimmy and a couple of neighbors stayed hydrated under the tents. Brian stopped by earlier before the hydrating beverages were being shared. Our next brewday will be in September.

July Brewday at Walter Hodges Saturday the 9th

There will be a Brewday at Walter Hodges this Saturday. Starts about 9am and ends about 3pm. Walter is brewing a Berliner Weiss. Lunch will be provided. Come out and share your homebrew or favorite commercial beverages.

It will be hot so be prepared to sweat. You should also bring a chair.

Walter’s address is:
2203 Le Mans Dr, Carrollton, TX