BJCP Exam Prep and Beer Styles Class 2024

North Texas Homebrew Supply is hosting a BJCP Exam Prep and Beer Styles class. The first class is July 14 and runs through November 17. It is every other Sunday at 2:00pm. Each class is 3 to 4 hours.

Jimmy Orkin will be teaching the class again. The class is $300 which includes the beer and the $40 BJCP Judging Exam fee that will be scheduled for December or January.

This is the second BJCP Exam Prep class hosted by NTHBS. The class is evolving to improve the content delivery and make the class more interactive.

We will need 6 people to commit to taking the BJCP Judging Exam to schedule the exam. Everyone that took the exam from the last class passed the exam and achieved the rank of Certified.

The class can be purchased now on Eventbrite at this link:

Feel free to email Jimmy at [email protected] if you have any questions. Jimmy will be at the brewday this Saturday at the Beyers’ house if you would like discuss it there.