Off Flavors Class at NTHBS, Members get $10 off

North Texas Homebrew Supply is hosting an Off Flavors Class on Thursday. It is not just off flavors but many flavors you might come across in drinking or judging beer.

NTHBS is giving NTHBA members $10 off. The discount code is on the discounts page located here:

The class prices with the discount are $19 for yourself and $33 (plus tax) if you bring a friend.

Sign up now. This is a great learning opportunity.

BJCP Exam Prep and Beer Styles Class 2024

North Texas Homebrew Supply is hosting a BJCP Exam Prep and Beer Styles class. The first class is July 14 and runs through November 17. It is every other Sunday at 2:00pm. Each class is 3 to 4 hours.

Jimmy Orkin will be teaching the class again. The class is $300 which includes the beer and the $40 BJCP Judging Exam fee that will be scheduled for December or January.

This is the second BJCP Exam Prep class hosted by NTHBS. The class is evolving to improve the content delivery and make the class more interactive.

We will need 6 people to commit to taking the BJCP Judging Exam to schedule the exam. Everyone that took the exam from the last class passed the exam and achieved the rank of Certified.

The class can be purchased now on Eventbrite at this link:

Feel free to email Jimmy at [email protected] if you have any questions. Jimmy will be at the brewday this Saturday at the Beyers’ house if you would like discuss it there.

Pale Ale Yeast Experiment

UPDATE: Randy Grogan suggested a simplification to the water profile removing the acid, chalk, and baking soda which counteract each other. The recipe files below are updated.

The pale ale yeast experiment recipe and schedule are finally set. If you would like to join the experiment choose a yeast strain and pick a day to brew.

The experiment is for each brewer to brew the same recipe and ferment it with a different yeast. At the May 14th club meeting we will taste the pale ales and compare the effects of the different yeast strains.

The kickoff is at the April 20th brew day where Jason Garland, Rob Eger, and John Krupka are brewing a 15 gallon batch of pale ale to split three ways. The recipe is a simple American pale ale recipe. Here is a pdf of the recipe and here is a Beersmith recipe file scaled to 5 gallons with the default Beersmith equipment profile. Here is a pdf of the brewday steps. Feel free to scale to fit your batch size and adjust to match your brewing process and efficiency.

When you have picked a yeast, please leave a comment on this blog post with your yeast choice so other brewers can choose a broader range of yeast strains. If can split your wort into 2 fermenters and choose two yeasts, that’s even better. If you would like to use a yeast that has already been chosen that is also ok, it will still add to the experiment.

If you would like to join the April 20th brew day at Jason Garland’s house, leave a comment or email [email protected] to coordinate.

Otherwise brew on your own and bring some of the results to share on May 14th.



BJCP Judging (Tasting) Exam March 10th

I will be hosting a BJCP Judging Exam on March 10th at North Texas Homebrew Supply. I currently have 7 commitments which leaves 5 open seats for the exam. If you would like to take the Judging Exam you will need to pass the online exam in advance.

Please contact Jimmy if you are interested in taking the Judging Exam at [email protected].

The cost for the Online Exam is $10 for one take or $20 for three takes.
The cost for the Judging Exam is $40 for non-BJCP and $15 if you are already BJCP. BJCP folks can take the Judging Exam again to improve their Judging score.

The link to the Online Exam is:

NTHBS has been hosting a BJCP Style Class for the last couple of months. If you are familiar with the BJCP Styles, you can probably pass the online and Judging Exam.

Bonus: If you judge 3 tables at the Bluebonnet this year and pass the Judging Exam, The Bluebonnet Brew-Off will give you $100.
