I will be hosting a BJCP Judging Exam on March 10th at North Texas Homebrew Supply. I currently have 7 commitments which leaves 5 open seats for the exam. If you would like to take the Judging Exam you will need to pass the online exam in advance.
Please contact Jimmy if you are interested in taking the Judging Exam at [email protected].
The cost for the Online Exam is $10 for one take or $20 for three takes.
The cost for the Judging Exam is $40 for non-BJCP and $15 if you are already BJCP. BJCP folks can take the Judging Exam again to improve their Judging score.
The link to the Online Exam is: http://bjcp.coursewebs.com/
NTHBS has been hosting a BJCP Style Class for the last couple of months. If you are familiar with the BJCP Styles, you can probably pass the online and Judging Exam.
Bonus: If you judge 3 tables at the Bluebonnet this year and pass the Judging Exam, The Bluebonnet Brew-Off will give you $100.