Today’s Brew Day is Cancelled

Unfortunately, unless you are a duck, today’s current and future weather throughout the remainder of most of the day is not conducive to doing much of anything outside. Thus, after in depth discussions with host Jason Garland, and we have decided today’s brew day is cancelled.

Tomorrow may present a better conditions and opportunity for Jason and his team to brew the pale ale they were planning. If so, I will post another message and people are welcome to stop by his house.

Let me know if you have any questions. Try to enjoy this wet miserable day by visiting a brewery.


One Reply to “Today’s Brew Day is Cancelled”

  1. Yesterday was a complete wash out. I apologize for canceling the brew day but you would not have enjoyed it.

    We ended up having a group at the house today for an impromptu rescheduled brew day. I hosted a good group of people and everyone had a good time. Thanks to all who came out!

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