If you have not been read the newsletters or stopped by North Texas Homebrew Supply, you may not be aware of four major brewing items being raffled off by NTHBA. These four items, Keezer, Glycol Chiller, Stainless Conical Fermenter and Mash/Boil Kettle, were donated by a homebrewer and are in great working condition.
The winning raffle tickets will be drawn on Saturday June 17th at 5pm, at the Dallas area brew club meetup at Autonomous Society in Dallas. The items can be viewed at North Texas Homebrew Supply brew shop through Friday June 16th. Follow This Link to view additional pictures of each item and purchase electronic tickets by end of day June 15th. Equipment will be on display at Autonomous Society and tickets can be purchased at the meetup on Saturday the 17th. You do not need to be present to win!.
In addition, there will be some silent auction items up for grabs at the Meetup. More info coming!